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Comics Have Always Been Poetry: Joan Zahra Dark Interviews Rosemary Valero-O’Connell

I first met Rosemary Valero-O’Connell at the Small Press Expo (SPX) in 2019 shortly before her triple Ignatz Award sweep for the absolutely incredible graphic novel Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me (2019) she illustrated alongside Mariko Tamaki. The extremely warm welcome I received from just a first conversation as we talked about queerness in comics and how nice it was to be surrounded by so many peers has always stuck with me and very much made me a superfan from then on.

The History and Importance of SfSx: An Interview with Tina Horn

(Originally published on Women Write About Comics: https://womenwriteaboutcomics.com/2020/08/the-history-and-importance-of-sfsx-an-interview-with-tina-horn/) When I sat down to have this interview with Tina Horn, it immediately felt like just a free-flowing conversation. Tina was calling in from her new apartment in LA and… Read More